All of the examples below are from Kindergarten students. This project is very fun and I have done it two different ways...You can see the difference in the examples and I made a note in the procedures to explain the difference.
Intended Grade Level(s: K-2
Estimated Class Period(s): 2
Materials Required: black 18X12 construction paper, colored chalk/chalk pastels in a tray of water, pencils, white tempera paint, circles to trace (depending on age level), books about owls, owl pictures
Goals & Objectives: The primary goal of this lesson is for the student to use lines and shapes.
GLEs Accomplished In Lesson:
PP 3. G Create an original artwork that communicates ideas about the following themes: Outdoors (seasons, nature) EP1.A Identify and use lines 1.B Identify and use shapes, Categorize large and small 1.E Identify and use color
1st Grade
PP 1.A Fill an area with solid color/value using crayon, pencil, or marker
1.B Apply paint with a dragging, not pushing motion
EP 1.B Identify and use triangle, circle, square, rectangle and oval shapes
Categorize large and small and medium
2nd Grade
PP 3.G.Create an original artwork that communicates ideas about the following themes: Nature; Places (e.g., school, home, stores, neighborhood, countryside
EP 1.B. Identify and use geometric shapes
Procedure (Guided Lesson, Instructions, etc):
This lesson is part of a unit on shapes. For older students, you could read Owl Moon, Or the book Goodnight Owl, but I recommend using the owl poem. I drew it on a poster so I can act it out and have the students say it with me (make up actions):
The Owl
There’s a wide-eyed owl
With a pointed nose.
He has pointed ears
And claws for toes.
He sits in a tree
And looks at you.
Then he flaps his wings
And says, “Tu-whit, tu-whoo”
Project (Steps, Examples, etc):
1. Read the owl poem with students. I made a poster of it and we said it out loud a few times through, acting it out. Show pics of owls. Explain how all owls look different depending on where they live, they have to blend in to their environment…..Show a few pics from magazines or books. Explain how owls are fierce hunters and cute and cuddly, that is why they are my favorite animal…
2. Quickly review the things we have learned….lines, shapes and texture….draw a few things on the board, artists use lines and shapes all the time, we will be using these all year to create art. Give students a black 12X18 paper pre-folded the hot dog way. Explain that they will draw 4 things. A straight line, nearly to the top, but not all the way. A circle, an big oval and a triangle. Demonstrate this on the board….it makes a big B….show them a tiny way…they way NOT to draw it…..
NOTE: I Have done this lesson 2 ways...the way that I described above, they are using circle tracers for the big owl and then free-handing the little owls. Another way to do it is to have them fold their paper in half the tall skinny way, paint a capital 'b' with white paint and then fold the paper in half so that it makes a print, this creates one large owl on the paper...then they can go over it to make it more even, add ears and a tree branch at the bottom and stars and moon at the top...I prefer the 'printing way' a little better...
3. While students are drawing, have them put on paint shirts.
4. Demonstrate how to paint with white paint. Go over the rules for paint: don’t paint hands, paper only, be careful not to let paint drip, wipe it gently on the edge of jar…..don’t take paint jar out of the plastic tray, we will use more colors later, but today we are starting out with one color!….. Outline each shape, fill it in. Fold over gently, rub the back of the paper (one boy threw his on the ground and stomped on it….it did make a cool texture for feathers)……open it up and see a symmetrical owl…a giant one….demo how to add a tree branch, stamp the brush for leaves, add a full or crescent ‘c’ moon, and add a few small stars. Mention that they should be careful not to totally cover the paper with white paint…it will be a snow scene and the owl won’t show up….
5. Before passing out the paint, show them a few books that are marked with owl pics: Turtle Island ABC (from CTV) Brother Wolf (MTJ) and Goodnight Owl….Students can look at the books to get ideas on how they will color their owl the next week. Quickly show them the example for next week, 2 ways, the goodnight owl and others…..Demo how to clean up and put paper in drying wrack….
6. Pass out the paint, let students work…cleanup.
Week 2
1. Read and act out the owl poem with students again.
2. Demonstrate how they will use chalk pastels to color their night owl scene. All of the white shapes need to be colored over this week. This is a great way for them to add really cool texture and details. Demonstrate how to draw the eyes, on the board first, 2 or 3 ways….then the beak….an easy triangle or the harder owl beak…..demonstrate how to put that mask of feathers around the face and then add feathers for the wings and belly….While students are drawing in pencil, have them put on paint shirts and pass out paintings from last week.
3. (Since it is on black paper, the chalk doesn’t always show up right at first if it is wet, when they color directly on the black paper. I remind them not to let their paper get too wet, and not to rub too hard in one spot because this will make their paper get a whole in it. I show them how to do the owl’s eye! This is important or else it won’t look like an owl, I make them do the eye first, a little bit of gray/black in the middle with yellow or yellow green around the outside…make sure the babies match!) When everyone is finished drawing, demonsrate how to use chalk. Explain that students shouldn’t get hands dirty on purpose!! Show how to color eyes, explain to be careful not to get paper too wet or it could rip, explain why the chalk pastels are in water…..Demo how to color and outline things….demo how to use the side of the chalk to color big areas, how to color the moon, leaves, stars, and sky with purple.
4, Demonstrate how to color the tree, leaves, moon, and stars. Remind them that they do not have to color the sky since it is already black like night, but if they want to make it more spooky, they can put purple and blue around the background like a spooky haze. Explain that students will have to wash hands and put this in the drying rack when they are done and they can look at the mini-goodnight owl book or any book in the room.
Assessment and Reflection: The students will use chalk to color a night owl scene according to a teacher constructed rubric. Students should be able to use the white paint, the chalk, draw the shapes, and color essential parts of the composition with little or no teacher assistance.
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